Brand Story

Brand Story

Millet is a common crop in northern China. It is suitable for growing in dry, slightly acidic or neutral soil below 1000 meters. In the mountainous area near Yongchang Nitro Fertilizer company, a large number of millet are planted.

However, before the 1990s, the yield of millet was not high and the taste was not good. An employee of Everpros came from the mountain area, whose family grew more than one hectare of millet. He learned a lot about fertilizer in Yongchang and he wanted to increase the yield of millet through fertilizer, the idea was supported by Everpros, and a technical team including fertilizer technicians and agricultural professionals was set up.   

The team, together with the employee, worked out the combination scheme of increasing yield and improving quality for millet:

1.Seed: select the high-yield type suitable for dry mountain areas.           

2.Sowing depth: sowing too deep or too shallow is not suitable, 3-5cm is the best  

3.Reasonable density planting: generally, as to the millet type with late maturing, high stem, large spike and tillering, the density should be sparse; otherwise, it should be dense. The team selected the type suitable for dense planting.          

4.Scientific fertilization: different growth stages had different requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. According to the local soil fertility, the reasonable fertilization scheme was determined .          

• Basic fertilizer No1: It is mainly composed of biogas and livestock manure, such as organic manure. 15-30 tons per hectare for middle yield field and 45-75 tons for high-yield field.

• Basic fertilizer No 2: 120-150 kg urea, 600-750 kg superphosphate and 180-225 kg potassium chloride per hectare.    

• Top dressing: booting and heading stage is the period with the greatest effect of topdressing, and fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be applied, 150-300 kg / ha. In the late growth stage, the vitality of millet root system weakens. It could be sprayed outside the root to promote seed setting and grain filling.

After three years of exploration, the ratio of N, P and K in topdressing was determined to be 26-13-0, the unit yield area was increased by 20%, and the taste was very good. The local millet is now named Taihang, which is famous in northern China for its high yield and excellent taste.

Do you want to improve your fertilizer effect?We can analyze the soil fertility and nutrients required by crops,and we can formulate targeted fertilizers accordingly